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The information offered by Ethrotec GmbH includes cross-references ("links") to other Internet sites. Ethrotec GmbH provides access to the use of this content through the cross-reference (§9 Teledienstegesetz). It is not responsible for this "foreign" content, since it does not initiate the transmission of the information, does not select the addressee of the transmitted information and has not selected or changed the transmitted information. There is also no automatic short-term intermediate storage of this "external information" due to the selected calling and linking methodology by Ethrotec GmbH, so that Ethrotec GmbH is not responsible for this external content. When it was first offered to be linked to this internet site, Ethrotec GmbH checked the external content to determine whether it might trigger civil or criminal liability. Legal information on copyright: The layout of the homepage, the graphics used and the other content are protected by copyright